"Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don't give up"- Rachel Corrie


"If you have a dream chase it"-Karl Mlone


"You'll be much more successful if you follow your dreams and follow your passions"- Jay Weatherill










A little bit about me

Victoria Aupont

Victoria Aupont, 21


My name is Victoria Aupont, I am currently a senior at SIUE majoring in Speech Communications following the public relations track. After graduation, I plan to pursue my dreams in culinary school. Cooking is more than a hobby for me, its an outlet and something I love and enjoy to do. The best part about it is seeing other people indulge and enjoy my food. I love to hear people tell me how delicious my cooking is, it encourages me and reminds me that I am following the right path.

I created this website because I know cooking does not come easy to everyone and many people seek tips and ideas on the web to help wit their every day meal or for a summer bbq.

For additional tips and questions feel free to email: vaupont@siue.edu.